Chen Cecilia Liu bio photo

Chen Cecilia Liu

ELLIS PhD student at the Technische Universität Darmstadt and the University of Cambridge

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Chen Cecilia Liu

I am a third year ELLIS Ph.D. at TU Darmstadt (UKP Lab), Germany and the University of Cambridge, UK. I am supervised by Prof. Iryna Gurevych and Prof. Anna Korhonen.

My research interests lie at the intersection of NLP and ML. Specifically, I am interested in:

  • Cross-lingual generalization (e.g., plasticity, early period of training, memorization vs generalization, spurious correlations etc. P6, P7, P9)
  • Culturally aware and adapted NLP (P8, P10)
  • Multimodality (P4, P5, P6)

Previously, I studied at the University of Toronto, where I obtained both of my undergraduate and master’s degrees. My master’s research was under the supervision of Prof. Brendan Frey (PSI Lab, Toronto ML Group). I have been working in the industry for nearly a decade in the domain of NLP before I went back to school. I worked at Canadian start-ups like Meta (acquired by CZI), Wattpad (acquired by NAVER), and ElementAI.

Reach out if you’re interested in collaborating or chat about research📜, start-ups🚀, or cats🐱.

Recent News:

  • Jun 2024: A workshop version of our paper on early period of training and OOD generalization is accepted at HiLD@ICML.
  • Jun 2024: New preprint available on culturally aware NLP.
  • Mar 2024: New preprint available on early period of training and OOD generalization.
  • Mar 2024: 2 papers accepted at NAACL-HLT 2024.
  • Jan 2024: Visiting LTL at the University of Cambridge for the next 6 months!
  • Sep 2023: New preprint available on culture and LLMs.
  • May 2023: Paper accepted at RepL4NLP Workshop, ACL 2023.
  • Jan 2023: Paper accepted at EACL 2023.
  • Oct 2022: Paper accepted at EMNLP 2022.